HomeArchives for Kate Ward

Exciting plans for 2025…

Hamilton Group is excited for big things in 2025. After a short restorative Summer break, we’re all hands back on deck here at Hamilton HQ in North Geelong, and across our wider construction sites. And we’re excited to get stuck into some very exciting pieces of work this year! Down the river end of Pakington

New fit out for Zen Life

We’re excited to share photos that have just landed of a recently completed space we built at the Woolstores / 400 Pakington Street, Newtown. This design & fit out is another excellent example of the collaborative end-to-end service that can be delivered by Hamilton Group. The result is a stunning, light-drenched Wellness Studio space for

Pivot City is Expanding!

Pivot City is expanding! We’ve reached max capacity out here in North Geelong; full to the brim with thriving commercial entities including: ABN Group, Geelong Vintage Market, Anther Geelong Distillery, Ena Pelly, Kennedys Group, Symal Group, Mast Lawyers, Canny Group, Paddock Bakery, to name a few. Thankfully, we’ve been able to acquire the former Henderson’s

We’re officially ISO Accredited

We’re thrilled to share that Hamilton Group is now ISO accredited! For those unfamiliar with the term, this means we’ve passed rigorous third party testing and evaluation of all of our administrative and onsite processes, and have successfully proven our dedication to quality management systems. ISO certification is a globally recognised standard that ensures that